Thursday, January 10, 2008

B-CC High School - Used Book Sale - DONATE YOUR BOOKS!

Give Your Books a New Home!Donate Your Books to the B-CC High School Used Book Sale
April 5-6,2008
Fiction and Nonfiction: Children’s, Young Adult, Mystery, Art, Sci-Fi, Travel, Business/Economics, Cooking, Home and Garden, Politics, History, Test Prep, Foreign Language, Science, AND MORE!

Please NO encyclopedias, textbooks, or magazines.Drop Off Dates (Sundays 10 – 2):JAN 13 JAN 27FEB 10 FEB 24 MAR 02Directions to Drop-Off Point at B-CC High School (4301 East-West Hwy): From East-West Hwy, turn right at light at Chelton St. just BEFORE B-CC High School. Turn left into the 2nd driveway.Tax forms, curbside drop.Please NO magazines, encyclopedias, or outdated textbooks (more than 3 years old).

We need: children and adult fiction and nonfiction, hardcover and paperback, reference, test prep, foreign language. Over 40 different subject categories from cookbooks to philosoophy!Students -- SSL hoursDirections: From E-W Highway, right at light at Chelton just BEFORE the school; left at 2nd driveway.If you can spare an hour or two, please help us sort books.

Thanks for your support of this large fundraiser for the PTSA. We also work hard to place books in B-CC cluster school classrooms and homes as well as with local nonprofits.Peggy Hsieh McIntosh

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